How to resolve workplace conflicts

Duration : 7 hours
Target group: executive managers

The training components consist of theoretical lectures and exchanges between the trainer and the participants.
Hands-on exercises carried out in the workshop allow the participant to reach their goals.

Key Topics:

  • What is a conflict?
  • How does it come about?
  • Sources of conflict
  • Understanding behaviour in the event of conflicts
  • Preventive measures
  • Detect signs of tension as soon as they arise
  • Conflict management
  • Defusing conflicts
  • Who should handle the conflict, why and how
  • Skills needed to resolve a conflict
  • How to handle conflicts within ones team
  • Consequences of a poorly managed conflict


Overall approach

Perfect the competencies of management about the process of conflict resolution in the workplace. Towards the end of the training, participants will be prepared to respond promptly and appropriately to conflicts.


Specific approaches

Allows participants to:

  • detect conflict situations in a work team
  • develop ones skills to prevent or resolve conflicts